Take the new Better House in the heart of the new administrative capital
After the success of its first project Sky Capital 1 new administrative capital in the R7 area
Added to announce the next project in the city of Riyadh 2 The new administrative capital is located in the capital SKY Capital 2 new administrative capital in the R8
Piece I3 Near the area of the Safarat district and the Green River and mark the most dynamic and upscale areas
SKY Capital 2 is the new administrative capital of 14 acres
And surrounded by a wall at an altitude of about 3 meters, where the percentage of buildings construction is about 20%
The rest of the area is landscaped, green spaces and an integrated service area
Every year you are fine
SKY Capital 2 has designed the new administrative capital in a luxury style
The specifications of providing residential accommodation suitable and distinctive suitable for all customers
Especially designed to drive a better life full of luxury, luxury and tranquility
Do not give a new life distinct from the eyes and traditional
SKY Capital 2 divides the new administrative capital into apartments and duplexes
Better House has developed sophisticated models for residential units
Modern designs to ensure the best of its customers
And to fulfill all the needs of its customers through the air
To provide a distinguished and distinguished society looking for most customers
The new administrative capital, Sky Capital 2, has many different areas
In residential units that suit the nature of each individual
Better House has made sure to offer its clients everything new and sophisticated
In order to give its customers a distinguished lifestyle that suits all tastes